August 6th, 2014
Category: Culture Wars, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
O’Malley’s latest ‘pop’ issue – Maryland’s governor has proposed that undocumented child immigrants should be placed in foster care By George W. Liebmann 1:31 p.m. EDT, August 6, 2014 O’Malley takes on another ‘pop’ issue [Commentary] Gov. Martin O’Malley, a presidential hopeful, has taken on yet another “pop issue,” proposing that we provide foster […]
April 2nd, 2014
Category: Corporate Welfare, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs
A Worthy Report on Property Tax Incentives for Business The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy has issued an exceptionally valuable report on state and local misuse of property tax incentives for economic development. Its authors are Daphne A. Kenyon, Adam H. Langley, and Bethany P. Paquin. Ms Kenyon is well known as the principal author […]
March 11th, 2013
Category: Budget, Corporate Welfare, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs
Mismanaged Maryland Despite talk of reforms and budget cuts, Annapolis dabbles in excessive borrowing, noncompetitive projects and risky investments By George Liebmann6:00 a.m. EDT, March 11, 2013 There is a sharp disconnect between the image and reality of the O’Malley administration’s fiscal policies. The image features pension reforms, reduced structural deficits, […]
April 6th, 2012
Category: Comment, Drugs, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
Important issues go unaddressed because political donors don’t care about them 0 By George W. Liebmann1:46 p.m. EDT, April 5, 2012 If the Obama administration proceeds to electoral doom, blame rests on its surrender to its financiers and campaign organizers: Wall Street and public employee and construction unions. A Democratic administration […]
March 2nd, 2012
Category: Budget, Comment, Education, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, Publications, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs,0,1047591.story State should not agree to commit vast sums over decades to a questionable building plan By George W. Liebmann 4:18 PM EST, March 1, 2012 Advertisement On the important issue of school construction, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has displayed refreshing common sense by demonstrating skepticism about a vastly inflated — indeed […]
August 15th, 2011
Category: Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Miscellaneous, Urban Affairs Reefer madness: Reform our crazy marijuana laws 750,000 marijuana arrests a year have gotten our society nowhere By George W. Liebmann 7:00 AM EDT, August 15, 2011 The militarization of the Mexican border is a new phenomenon for two nations whose militaries have traditionally been made to stay out of politics. There are constant […]
October 3rd, 2006
Category: News Series, Urban Affairs
In March 2006, The Institute published a study, The Baltimore City Retirement Systems: Heading for Trouble, available online here. That study pointed out that the Employees’ Retirement System of Baltimore City had consistently produced investment results below its benchmark yields based on comparisons with market indices. The shortfalls were as follows: 2004-05.7% 2003-041.0% 2002-03.81% In […]
October 5th, 2004
Category: Events, Urban Affairs
Over the course of the last 50 years a ‘quiet revolution’ fostered by federal mortgage lending regulations has given rise to the creation of hundreds of thousands of private community associations with the power to impose charges on members.
November 1st, 2002
Category: Comment, Urban Affairs
In a likely preview of Republican proposals should the party win the Maryland gubernatorial election next month, its 1998 candidate for the U.S. Senate [sic], Baltimore lawyer George Liebmann, writes on a Baltimore Sun opinion page that the state’s current Smart Growth practice ”has reached its limits” and that the time has come to privatize […]
May 1st, 2000
Category: Issue Brief, Urban Affairs
If exodus is a measure of livability, then only a handful of cities are as unlivable as Baltimore. And the people leaving are just the sort of folk Baltimore must keep. They are the ordinary, middle-class types without whom no city can function. But the municipal authority’s response to these individuals’ verdict on the city has been – nothing. Baltimore is home to public employees and welfare recipients a-plenty.