JFKs Legacy Deserves A Critical Eye

OpinionCommentary JFK’s legacy deserves a critical eye | GUEST COMMENTARY Author By George Liebmann PUBLISHED:Baltimore Sun August 19, 2024 at 6:03 a.m. “The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans,” President John F. Kennedy famously declared in his 1961 inaugural address. He was right to say his inauguration marked a sea change […]

The Road Not Taken, EV Edition

Menu The American Conservative Logo The Road Not Taken, EV Edition George Liebmann TheAmericanConservative.com,Oct 28, 2023 12:01 AM Anyone contemplating the American response to the alleged global warning crisis must be bemused by its allocation of priorities. It is conceded that the increased American use of natural gas in place of coal and petroleum and […]

Book Announcement

Book Announcement- JOURNAL OF TWO PLAGUE YEARS by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 70 op-ed pieces appearing in the Baltimore Sun, The American Conservative Online, the Washington Examiner, Chronicles Online, the Washington Times, and the Calvert Institute website in the two years beginning with the presidential election of 2020. It reflects the […]

A Material Agenda for a New GOP

A Material Agenda for a New GOP The Democrats’ pivot to identity politics presents an opportunity for Republicans on economics. TheAmericanConservativeOnline, George Liebmann Aug 31, 2022 12:01 AM For half a century, “civil rights” organizations and the Democratic Party have worked hard at creating coalitions of the disaffected, ‘slicing and dicing’ the electorate along lines […]

Joe Manchin’s Bargain

Joe Manchin’s bargain | GUEST COMMENTARY By George Liebmann For The Baltimore Sun • Aug 2, 2022 From the beginning of discussion of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better proposal, I forecast that the time would come when Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia would be “bought off” by the Biden administration with the provisions […]

Book Announcement- Vox Clamantis In Deserto

VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]

Taft’s Anti-Plutocracy Conservatism

Taft’s Anti-Plutocracy Conservatism How the lesser known conservative trust-buster handled wealth concentration. APRIL 8, 2021,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN The last Democratic presidential primary saw more than the ordinary focus on disparities of wealth and income, alleged by some of the candidates to endanger democracy. The remedies floated for this condition included wealth taxes endorsed by Senators […]

Book Announcement- Vox Clamantis In Deserto by George W. Liebmann

VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]

The Mixed Blessing of Citizens United

The Mixed Blessing Of Citizens United The ruling, deemed a success by many, has hurt conservatives horribly. Real reform can be found by looking to our past. The American Conservative NOVEMBER 11, 2020 Few are satisfied with the present state of American politics: a polarized House of Representatives and state legislatures, a presidential race in […]

Property Tax Incentives for Business–Another Folly

A Worthy Report on Property Tax Incentives for Business The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy has issued an exceptionally valuable report on state and local misuse of property tax incentives for economic development. Its authors are Daphne A. Kenyon, Adam H. Langley, and Bethany P. Paquin. Ms Kenyon is well known as the principal author […]