The Politics of Defamation

The politics of defamation Biden Trump Baltimore Sun, June 10, 2024 By George Liebmann Seven years ago, I ventured to make some policy suggestions to the new Trump administration. None bore fruit, except for the drift toward marijuana legalization, a consequence of our federal system and not of Trump. In 2020, the Trump-led GOP did […]

FDR’s CCC was AAA. What’s Biden Doing?

Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2024 FDR’s CCC Was AAA. What’s Biden Doing? “If you put a rose in his hand, it would wilt” was a saying once unfairly directed at President Herbert Hoover but which applies in full to President Biden’s miniaturized “climate corps” proposal (“Biden Builds a Domestic Green Army,” Review & Outlook, […]

The Democrats and Labor

George Liebmann To: The Democrats and Labor by George Liebmann It is time to consider the non-existent Labor Agenda of the anti_Trump Party. Doing so will convince the impartial that while the Republicans are vexed and encumbered by one man, the Democrats have almost entirely succumbed to an ideological epidemic When there was widespread unemployment […]

A New Affirmative Action A New Affirmative Action by George Liebmann About a year ago, a major newspaper, mingling its editorial and news pages as is now usual, published charts showing flat Black enrollment at a number of major universities in an effort to influence the then-pending Supreme Court affirmative action litigation. There was no qualitative assessment including […]

Maryland’s Ill-Considered Jobs Program

Maryland’s Ill-Considered Jobs Program Maryland’s urban youth desperately need opportunities, and Governor Moore’s new program doesn’t deliver. George Liebmann,thyeamericanconservativeonline Apr 4, 2023 12:01 AM With great fanfare and much-sought national publicity, Governor Wes Moore of Maryland has unveiled a “a year of service” program for high school graduates. It amounts to a token program whose […]

Book Announcement

Book Announcement- JOURNAL OF TWO PLAGUE YEARS by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 70 op-ed pieces appearing in the Baltimore Sun, The American Conservative Online, the Washington Examiner, Chronicles Online, the Washington Times, and the Calvert Institute website in the two years beginning with the presidential election of 2020. It reflects the […]

A Material Agenda for a New GOP

A Material Agenda for a New GOP The Democrats’ pivot to identity politics presents an opportunity for Republicans on economics. TheAmericanConservativeOnline, George Liebmann Aug 31, 2022 12:01 AM For half a century, “civil rights” organizations and the Democratic Party have worked hard at creating coalitions of the disaffected, ‘slicing and dicing’ the electorate along lines […]

Local Labor: Still Left Behind

Local Labor, Still Left Behind Unlike international unions, building-level unions give workers a voice. (Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock) JULY 2, 2022 | 12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN,TheAmericanConservativeOnline Of late, the Biden administration has embraced the cause of the international unions. Its electric-car and Conservation Corps proposals contain provisions designed to foster unionization. It is suggested that unionization automatically […]

How Not To Fight Inflation

How Not To Fight Inflation The new New Democrats’ 62-point plan is devoid of a single good idea for fixing the economy. JUNE 23, 2022|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN A coalition of so-called New Democrats (the last New Democrat was Bill Clinton, whose administration gave us corporate buy-backs, repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, veto of the […]

Conservatives Need a Broader Vision

Conservatives Need A Broader Vision There has been no effort to look at national needs and possibilities in the large. TheAmericanConservativeOnline JUNE 9, 2022|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN Those examining the programs of today’s political parties and presidential candidates must inevitably be struck by their failure of imagination. For one finds in none of them the […]