Book Review of ‘The Tafts’ by George W. Liebmann

The New York Sun When Presidents Could Be Quietly Effective Biographies like Smith’s and Liebmann’s yearn for presidents such as Taft and Ford, who spent more time on the substance rather than the presentation of public policy. CARL ROLLYSON Wednesday, June 7, 2023 05:30:00 am ‘The Tafts’ By George W. Liebmann Twelve Tables Press, 432 […]

Immigration Reform Left an Orphan

    Important issues go unaddressed because political donors don’t care about them 0   By George W. Liebmann1:46 p.m. EDT, April 5, 2012   If the Obama administration proceeds to electoral doom, blame rests on its surrender to its financiers and campaign organizers: Wall Street and public employee and construction unions. A Democratic administration […]

Injecting Sense Into School Construction,0,1047591.story   State should not agree to commit vast sums over decades to a questionable building plan By George W. Liebmann 4:18 PM EST, March 1, 2012 Advertisement   On the important issue of school construction, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has displayed refreshing common sense by demonstrating skepticism about a vastly inflated — indeed […]

The Role of Money in Political Campaigns

      Letter to the Editor   The role of money in political campaigns  January 24 Regarding the Jan. 18 editorial “A less-than-super fix,” on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s statement that candidates should be allowed to collect unlimited donations: Mr. Romney is right on this issue. The 1974 campaign finance legislation was a cure […]

Confronting Party Myths

Confronting Party Myths by George W. Liebmann Some cheer can be obtained from recent fiscal events. The Reagan-Bush tax cuts ended the Democratic era of tax and spend. The debt limit crisis ended the Republican era of borrow and spend. Perhaps the hour of the late Adlai Stevenson, who told us “there are no gains […]

George Liebmann: Ask Gubernatorial Candidates About Schools and Education

BALTIMORE – Voters must ask the two main candidates for governor these three questions about schools before they vote for either one: Do you favor: Opening up teaching to people not trained in education schools? Pay structures resembling private labor markets, where schools compete? Building-level management of schools? Why are these reforms needed? Schools are […]

George Liebmann: The conflict between Mr.Malley and Mr. Clark

PDF BALTIMORE – The recent opinion by an especially distinguished panel of the Court of Special Appeals in Clark v. O’Malley allowing a fired police commissioner’s suit to go forward should have come as a surprise to nobody. An 1860 statute dictating that the police commissioner of Baltimore City can be discharged only for just […]


This memorandum (in PDF format) is intended to outline the constitutional powers of the Maryland Governor, who is often said to be the most powerful Governor in the country in terms of constitutional authority. Click here to view the PDF File.

The Folly of ‘Consent’

The recent consent decree relating to ‘racial profiling’ by the State Police negotiated by the Glendening administration and accepted in modified form by Governor Ehrlich appears to put a nasty controversy to rest: one which united ‘hit and run’ politics and identity politics in one toxic package. Such decrees nonetheless raise serious concerns. Policing is […]

Voucher Politics

The condition of Baltimore’s schools, together with the fact that more than 40% of the parents of Baltimore schoolchildren applied for a limited number of private scholarships would suggest that Baltimore City is a jurisdiction politically ripe for the introduction of vouchers. Several Baltimore political leaders have lent their support to voucher proposals. In 1994, […]