Covid and the Individual: What Should Have Been Said

Covid And The Individual: What Should Have Been Said Public health authorities could have helped normal people decide what they could do for themselves to prepare for the pandemic. AUGUST 12, 2021|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN What follows bears no resemblance to the advice tendered in the last year by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Governor Andrew Cuomo, […]

Biden’s Education Schemes Foreclose Sensible Reforms

Biden’s Education Schemes Foreclose Sensible Reforms The need to improve our schools is obvious, as are many of the real solutions. JUNE 23, 2021,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN President Joe Biden’s education proposals are not fiscally modest. Two new years of free preschooling, staffed by unionized teachers. Free community colleges, for another year or two. Massive forgiveness […]

On Crime and Punishment in Large Cities

On Crime And Punishment In Large Cities Consent decrees hamper police and lead to increased homicides. Reforms are possible without stopping all minor crime enforcement. MAY 17, 2021|1:00 PM GEORGE LIEBMANN,TheAmerican Conservative Online Recent events might lead the uninitiated to believe that, on the crime front, America’s large cities are getting better and better. Several […]

On Crime and Punishment in Baltimore

Budget Reform /Criminal Justice On Crime and Punishment in Baltimore George Liebmann ,Maryland Public Policy Institute blog, May 10, 2021 Two recent events might lead one to believe that, on the crime front, Baltimore is getting better and better. In March, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced with pride that the “war on drugs is over […]

How Public Policy Forgot the Basics

Technical fixes do more to help people than popular partisanship. APRIL 13, 2021,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN Some years ago, the late Elliot Richardson, who served in multiple cabinet offices before becoming a major contributor to the downfall of President Richard Nixon, wrote of the utility in politics of “end runs.” By these he meant proposals which, […]

An Iconoclast Looks At Four Failed Administrations

An Iconoclast Looks At Four Failed Administrations In a clear-eyed approach, the past four administrations are rife with failure. The prospects for effective leadership aren’t encouraging. MARCH 6, 2021|12:01 AM,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN Few in today’s polarized world equally stigmatize two Democratic and two Republican administrations, but the dishonors are about equal. Here are my tributes. […]

Book Announcement- Vox Clamantis In Deserto by George W. Liebmann

VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]

Eleven Populist Proposals

11 Populist Proposals For The Post-Trump GOP The president’s reign might have devolved into nihilism, but there are ideas waiting for those who would pick them up. JANUARY 14, 2021|1:00 PM, TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN Nearly four years ago, this writer noted in these pages that Donald Trump had been brought to power by three issues […]

New administration must address youth unemployment, illegal immigration, and marijuana regulation

The Washington Times > By George W. Liebmann – – Thursday, November 5, 2020 Perhaps one of the forgotten 4 million voters who supported Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld despite the systematic disparagement of them by the mass media in 2016, and who was also a Republican for Biden may be permitted to suggest […]

BLM: An Epidemic of Ideas

BLM: An Epidemic Of Ideas Organized crime benefits from the chaos created by civil unrest, and politicians don’t seem eager to fight back. OCTOBER 14, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN Judge Learned Hand referred to America’s vulnerability to ‘epidemics of ideas’ which sweep the land when sufficient people find a cause to profit by. Black […]