This Was No Isolated Incident

This was no isolated incident The July 17 editorial, “How to read J.D. Vance,” fashionably stigmatized Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio as an “isolationist.” Taft, though cautious about direct involvement in foreign conflicts, was not an isolationist but a realist. His was the decisive Republican voice supporting the relaxation of the Neutrality Act of […]

G. Liebmann, “The Root of Political Disfunction”, Baltimore Sun, July 10, 2024


George Liebmann From: Bcc: Jason Willick Wed, Mar 27 at 12:11 PM REMARKS OF GEORGE W. LIEBMANN, PRESIDENT OF THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF THE BALTIMORE BAR, INTRODUCING DAVID M. RUBENSTEIN, MARCH 26, 2024 I have always proceeded on the premise that introductions should not exceed three minutes in length. Our speaker’s monumental resume would […]

Book Review of ‘The Tafts’ by George W. Liebmann

The New York Sun When Presidents Could Be Quietly Effective Biographies like Smith’s and Liebmann’s yearn for presidents such as Taft and Ford, who spent more time on the substance rather than the presentation of public policy. CARL ROLLYSON Wednesday, June 7, 2023 05:30:00 am ‘The Tafts’ By George W. Liebmann Twelve Tables Press, 432 […]

G. Liebmann, The US Constitution (letter), Times Literary Supplement, December 1, 2023

G. Liebmann, “A New Affirmative Action,” Law and Liberty, October 24, 2023

G. Liebmann, “Labor Day Was Once A Sacred Day on the Democratiuc Party Calendar,” TheAmericanConserrvativeOnline,September 3, 2023

Ukraine and Russia: The Endgame

Ukraine and Russia: The Endgame The key to the situation is to ask what any reasonable Russian government, tsarist, democratic, communist, or authoritarian would want. George Liebmann.theamericanconservativeonline Apr 26, 2023 12:00 PM Many of the usual suspects who upheld America’s unwise wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan—and its ill-considered interventions in Yugoslavia, Syria, and Libya, […]

The Tafts- Book announcement

Book Announcement- The Tafts by George W. Liebmann | Feb 26, 2023 Hardcover $28.95 Pre-order Price Guarantee. FREE delivery This title has not yet been released.

Book Announcement

Book Announcement- JOURNAL OF TWO PLAGUE YEARS by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 70 op-ed pieces appearing in the Baltimore Sun, The American Conservative Online, the Washington Examiner, Chronicles Online, the Washington Times, and the Calvert Institute website in the two years beginning with the presidential election of 2020. It reflects the […]