Could a Wisconsin-style union backlash happen in Maryland? It should

Maryland is known as a strong union state, and it would seem improbable to Marylanders that the current battle in Wisconsin could be replicated here. Maryland’s budget deficit is less pronounced than that of Wisconsin, though its combined state debt and pension deficits place it among the top 20 states in debt burden. It retains […]

The youth employment conundrum

George Liebmann talked about his November 22, 2010 article in the Baltimore Sun, The Youth Employment Conundrum, that suggests policy changes to create jobs for young people may be needed to avoid social unrest.

Maryland’s ‘Race to the Top’ Application: Failure Revealed

The Obama Administration’s education reform effort continues Washington’s enthusiasm for intellectually bankrupt ‘top-down’ reforms. As in foreign policy and policies relating to financial regulation, there is essential continuity between the Obama and George W. Bush administrations. The Obama reform approach essentially abandons any significant effort to alter failed grant in aid programs. The Individuals With […]