An Iconoclast Looks At Four Failed Administrations

An Iconoclast Looks At Four Failed Administrations In a clear-eyed approach, the past four administrations are rife with failure. The prospects for effective leadership aren’t encouraging. MARCH 6, 2021|12:01 AM,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN Few in today’s polarized world equally stigmatize two Democratic and two Republican administrations, but the dishonors are about equal. Here are my tributes. […]

Beware of New ‘Sixty Minutes Laws’After the Capitol Riot

Beware Of New ‘60 Minutes Laws’ After The Capitol Riot The best safeguard against domestic terrorism is a reasonably contented citizenry. MARCH 1, 2021|12:00 PM,TheAmericanConservative GEORGE LIEBMANN The Capitol riot was the result of the un-coordinated action of two politicians, each of whom thought that he or she could exploit political violence for personal purposes. […]

Book Announcement- Vox Clamantis In Deserto by George W. Liebmann

VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]

New administration must address youth unemployment, illegal immigration, and marijuana regulation

The Washington Times > By George W. Liebmann – – Thursday, November 5, 2020 Perhaps one of the forgotten 4 million voters who supported Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld despite the systematic disparagement of them by the mass media in 2016, and who was also a Republican for Biden may be permitted to suggest […]

An End to Juristocracy: Fixing the Judicial System Has Nothing To Do With Packing Courts

The American Conservative, November 3, 2020 NOVEMBER 3, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN It was refreshing to see the editors of the New York Times declare (“The Republican Party’s Supreme Court,” October 27): “The courts must not be in the position of resolving all of America’s political debates. But if Americans can agree on that, then […]

BLM: An Epidemic of Ideas

BLM: An Epidemic Of Ideas Organized crime benefits from the chaos created by civil unrest, and politicians don’t seem eager to fight back. OCTOBER 14, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN Judge Learned Hand referred to America’s vulnerability to ‘epidemics of ideas’ which sweep the land when sufficient people find a cause to profit by. Black […]

Justice Ginsburg’s Death and the Future of the Supreme Court

Justice Ginsburg’s Death And The Future Of The Supreme Court The death of the 87 year old associate justice has already stimulated predictable but unenlightening reactions. TheAmericanConservative SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 | 12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN While all concede her grit in clinging to power in the face of physical adversity, this is not a quality […]

Trump and Biden: Two Profiles in Cowardice on Marijuana

OPINION Trump and Biden: Two profiles in cowardice on marijuana NEW YORK DAILY NEWS | SEP 17, 2020 AT 5:00 AM .. Since the beginnings of the drug war, national policy on marijuana has been essentially frozen. Marijuana has been classified with the most dangerous drugs, without foundation in careful studies of the substance. The […]

Fifty Years of Moralistic Rhetoric

The Washington Times Examining fifty years of moralistic rhetoric surrounding America’s civil rights acts Supporters of BLM need to take heed of the lessons preached by the critics of 1968 By George W. Liebmann – – Wednesday, August 19, 2020 It is useful to review what contemporary critics of the 1968 Black and student disturbances […]

The 2015 Baltimore Riots Accomplished Nothing

The Washington Examiner OPINION Reminder: The 2015 Baltimore riots accomplished nothing by George W. Liebmann | July 02, 2020 12:00 AM The precursor to the recent demonstrations, in America and throughout the world, were the Baltimore riots, mostly by young black people, that the nation watched on television in 2015. The immediate cause of the […]