March 11th, 2013
Category: Budget, Corporate Welfare, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs
Mismanaged Maryland Despite talk of reforms and budget cuts, Annapolis dabbles in excessive borrowing, noncompetitive projects and risky investments By George Liebmann6:00 a.m. EDT, March 11, 2013 There is a sharp disconnect between the image and reality of the O’Malley administration’s fiscal policies. The image features pension reforms, reduced structural deficits, […]
October 30th, 2012
Category: Corporate Welfare, Culture Wars, Economic Regulation, Gambling, State and Local Politics, Welfare and Other Social
Marylanders get a taste of veto democracy Referendums allow voters to check Annapolis’ excesses 0 By George Liebmann 1:21 p.m. EDT, October 30, 2012 Marylanders will soon have an opportunity common in a country other than their own: the right to veto a legislature’s product. […]
April 1st, 1996
Category: Corporate Welfare, News Series
As the victors of the Great Stadium Debate of ’96 now find that the whopping $200 million set aside for a new Baltimore bowl will not even buy one they find attractive, advocates of small government must surely be suppressing a smile. Or at least they would be, had not so much taxpayer money gone […]
April 1st, 1996
Category: Corporate Welfare, News Series
Consider the following hypothetical situations: One, you are an honest, law-abiding, tax-paying citizen who has never had an interest in professional sports. Your state and local government representatives decide to incur debt and spend millions of dollars to persuade the wealthy owner of a professional sports team to locate in the city where you live. […]
January 1st, 1996
Category: Corporate Welfare, News Series
Maryland’s so-far successful attempt to attract Art Modell’s Cleveland-based NFL franchise to Baltimore is a spectacular example of corporate welfare, regardless of Modell’s February 21 consent to contribute $24 million himself. The deal still involves involves a 30-year, no-rent lease on an estimated $200 million stadium to be built almost entirely at state expense, and […]