The Governor’s Educational Design

The only indication of the Governor’s thinking, if it can be called that, about the school system, is that supplied by his task force on education, whose report was publicized by, and not repudiated by, the Governor’s office. The three co-chairmen of the task force were selected so as to be totally protective of existing […]

The Trimmer

The Calvert Institute’s George Liebmann Preaches The Common Sense Of Thinking Locally And Acting Locally Frank Klein Baltimore has its own conservative think tank, but don’t confuse it with the Heritage Foundation. There’s no sign-in book, no large glass door, and no view of Dupont Circle. The Calvert Institute for Policy Research is discreetly tucked […]

Deep flaws in proposed hate crimes bill

– Endorsement by major media organs like The Washington Post and many “liberals” in the nation’s political establishment of the proposed “hate crimes” bill exists in strange juxtaposition with recent articles and editorials on the U.S. attorneys scandal deploring the abuse and over-centralization of federal law enforcement. But the supporters of the hate crimes bill […]

“Think Again: A Decade of Calvert Institute Colloquies”

Think again George Liebmann hopes his book will give new life to a decade’s worth of Calvert Institute colloquies BRENDAN KEARNEY Daily Record Legal Affairs Writer August 19, 2007 6:39 PM Established in 1995 as a conservative counterweight in left-leaning Maryland, the Calvert Institute for Policy Research ruffled feathers and got people talking with reports […]

Contract holds back city schools

A new schools chief has come to Baltimore. Andres Alonso’s arrival coincides with the last stages of negotiation of a multi year teachers union contract, which will effectively tie his hands if its provisions are unwise. There is much in the current contract that was carelessly accepted, and much that needs revision. Political realities preclude […]

A Government of Laws

Lee Casey and David Rivkin, in the latest of their many apologias for the Bush administration, again urge the theory of the unitary executive (Times, May 29). In this scheme of things, the Presidency is an elective dictatorship, and subordinate officers like U.S. Attorneys, once the formality of Senate confirmation is over, are removable for […]

The Trimmer’s Almanac: Ten Years of the Calvert Institute 1996-2006

The Calvert Institute announces publication of The Trimmer’s Almanac: Ten Years of the Calvert Institute, 1996-2006, available for $30 including postage (five or more copies, $15 each including postage). The Table of Contents of this handsomely bound 660 page volume appears below: Table of Contents Table of Contents i Preface v I. Criminal Justice Charles […]

Bush Replaces U.S. Attorneys in Power Play

The news that the Bush administration has replaced seven U.S. attorneys, none charged with or guilty of wrongdoing, with people fairly describable as Washington apparatchiks should give pause to all those concerned with America’s working Constitution. This was made possible by a provision of the Patriot Act allowing the president to make interim appointments of […]

George Liebmann: There is another way to settle ’eminent domain’ debate

WASHINGTON – The recent election has seen states adopt constitutional amendments reversing the recent Kelo decision allowing New London, Conn., to condemn private homes for purposes of development. That decision was applauded by city officials, and was decried by many conservatives, including some seeking to ban all redistributive government activity. A dialogue of the deaf, […]

George Liebmann: Ask Gubernatorial Candidates About Schools and Education

BALTIMORE – Voters must ask the two main candidates for governor these three questions about schools before they vote for either one: Do you favor: Opening up teaching to people not trained in education schools? Pay structures resembling private labor markets, where schools compete? Building-level management of schools? Why are these reforms needed? Schools are […]