Promoting Youth Employment in Maryland

  by George W. Liebmann   Our current governor has paid no attention to the severe problem   of youth unemployment in Maryland. The national rate of youth unemployment   is about twice the general rate of unemployment, and the rate among blacks twice   that among the total youth population: 40 percent, resembling London’s […]

The Brandeis Brief, Revisited

___________________________________   by George W. Liebmann     To the Bag: David Bernstein’s essay on the Brandeis brief (Autumn 2011)   does not describe “winner’s history;” (page 15); Brandeis’ concerns   with Supreme Court treatment of constitutional cases involving   state governments remain largely unaddressed today.   Moreover, it is simply not true that “ […]

Immigration Reform Left an Orphan

    Important issues go unaddressed because political donors don’t care about them 0   By George W. Liebmann1:46 p.m. EDT, April 5, 2012   If the Obama administration proceeds to electoral doom, blame rests on its surrender to its financiers and campaign organizers: Wall Street and public employee and construction unions. A Democratic administration […]

Rehabilitating Lochner (Book Review)

Code corrupted. Insert fresh copy.

Injecting Sense Into School Construction,0,1047591.story   State should not agree to commit vast sums over decades to a questionable building plan By George W. Liebmann 4:18 PM EST, March 1, 2012 Advertisement   On the important issue of school construction, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has displayed refreshing common sense by demonstrating skepticism about a vastly inflated — indeed […]

The Role of Money in Political Campaigns

      Letter to the Editor   The role of money in political campaigns  January 24 Regarding the Jan. 18 editorial “A less-than-super fix,” on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s statement that candidates should be allowed to collect unlimited donations: Mr. Romney is right on this issue. The 1974 campaign finance legislation was a cure […]

Another Distant Warning: ‘Civil Gideon’ and Fee Shifting

                                                                                                      November 2011                               Another Distant Warning   Earlier this year, we drew attention to an impending treasury raid sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union in the form of a study proposing a massive building program for the Baltimore City public schools, to be carried out through the use of >funny financing= in the form […]

The Governor and Reapportionment: Another Look

The Governor and Reapportionment: Another Look     The Governor=s Redistricting Commission has performed as expected in its lay-out of Congressional districts. Fifteen years ago, four of Maryland=s eight congresspersons were Republicans: each and all persons of strikingly independent judgment and diverse views who punched well above their weight in the House. The purge of them […]

Norquist’s Beast Thrives: Influential anti-tax activist’s work has done nothing to limit the size of government,0,497956.story Norquist’s ‘beast’ thrives Influential anti-tax activist’s work has done nothing to limit the size of government By George W. Liebmann 6:00 AM EST, December 19, 2011 Advertisement For the last 20 years, the charming Grover Norquist has been perhaps the most successful of American political entrepreneurs, having used a letterhead and small office […]

Confronting Party Myths

Confronting Party Myths by George W. Liebmann Some cheer can be obtained from recent fiscal events. The Reagan-Bush tax cuts ended the Democratic era of tax and spend. The debt limit crisis ended the Republican era of borrow and spend. Perhaps the hour of the late Adlai Stevenson, who told us “there are no gains […]