The Institute’s Executive Director’s Pratt Library talk on his book The Last American Diplomat was broadcast on C-Span2’s Book Week on Saturday August 9 at 8:45 p.m. and will be re-broadcasted on Sunday August 17 at 2 p.m.

The King of Pop Issues

O’Malley’s latest ‘pop’ issue – Maryland’s governor has proposed that undocumented child immigrants should be placed in foster care By George W. Liebmann 1:31 p.m. EDT, August 6, 2014 O’Malley takes on another ‘pop’ issue [Commentary] Gov. Martin O’Malley, a presidential hopeful, has taken on yet another “pop issue,” proposing that we provide foster […]

Brief Book Regulation Primer

  Letters Brief Book-Price Regulation Primer This latest adventure isn’t directed against exclusionary practices but fosters concentration in publishing and distribution and is contrary to the public interest.   June 4, 2014 2:25 p.m. ET Regarding L. Gordon Crovitz’s “The Antitrust Book Boomerang” (Information Age, June 2) and Holman Jenkins’s “Washington vs. Books” (Business World, […]

Property Tax Incentives for Business–Another Folly

A Worthy Report on Property Tax Incentives for Business The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy has issued an exceptionally valuable report on state and local misuse of property tax incentives for economic development. Its authors are Daphne A. Kenyon, Adam H. Langley, and Bethany P. Paquin. Ms Kenyon is well known as the principal author […]

More Pension Follies

More Pension Follies With great fanfare, Governor O’Malley announced his 2014-15 budget. Three thick budget volumes were released. Nowhere in these volumes (with one minor exception) are any of the pertinent data concerning Maryland’s pension and employee health obligations disclosed. The re-design of Maryland’s budget documents carried out by the present budget secretary, Eloise Foster, […]

Intellectual Complacency and Arrogance

17 Green Bag 2nd 12 (Autumn 2013) INTELLECTUAL COMPLACENCY AND INTOLERANCE To the Bag: I am certain, or at least hopeful, that I am not the only one of your readers to be astounded by the propositions put forward in your Summer issue by Suzanna Sherry and her academic admirers. The danger of judicial review […]

Maryland’s Pension System has Performed Poorly for Decades Maryland’s pension system has performed poorly for decades under two separate treasurers By George W. Liebmann 2:09 PM EST, February 19, 2014 Advertisement   The state pension system is Maryland’s financial Achilles heel and has been for decades. All bond rating services have noted that rising pension debt endangers the state’s AAA bond […]

  New Issue:       Moody’s assigns Aaa to Maryland’s $475M GO bonds; outlook negative         Global Credit Research – 11 Jul 2013   $10.7 billion of net tax-supported debt outstanding   MARYLAND (STATE OF) State Governments (including Puerto Rico and US Territories) MD   Moody’s Rating   ISSUE RATING   […]

Not Liberals,Not Teapartiers, nor the Religious Right

Published on Center of the American Experiment ( Home > Issues > Culture & Religion > Not Liberals, Not Tea Partiers, nor the Religious Right Not Liberals, Not Tea Partiers, nor the Religious Right Culture & Religion Social Policy   By George Liebmann [1]October 11, 2012Fragmented Families and Splintered Classes: A Symposium [2] [3]   […]

The problem with Obamacare,0,2335264.story The problem with Obamacare Neither party is willing to acknowledge — much less fix — the faults of an entitlement program that will only drive us deeper into debt By George Liebmann 5:03 PM EDT, October 21, 2013     Two narratives about the recent partial government shutdown are popular. The Obama administration […]