John Paton Davies: Foreign Policy Prophet A Prophet Remembered John Paton Davies’ memoir, China Hand, was posthumously published, to some critical acclaim, several years ago. His name is usually bracketed with other, more left-wing ‘defrocked diplomats’ of the Mc Carthy period, including O. Edmund Clubb, Owen Lattimore, and John Stewart Service. The later lives of these folk are mostly remembered […]

K-12 Education Reform: A 19 Point Check List

K-12 Public Education Reform: A 19-Point Check List, The American Conservative, May 11, 2017 by George W. Liebmann The last forty years of controversy over education reform has largely involved argument from fixed positions. Reformers have aimed at the heart of teacher-union power by seeking to establish charter schools and voucher programs and by attempts […]

Eleven Suggestions for a Populist Agenda   A Populist Agenda? Eleven Suggestions by George W. Liebmann President Trump’s victory has been ascribed to a recognition on his part, and that of Steven Bannon, that identity politics was a game that any number can play. Alternatively, it has been ascribed to their recognition of three social deficits: 1) trade-induced unemployment, especially […]

17 Rules for Foreign Interventions       17 Rules for Foreign Interventions Lessons from America’s lost wars By George Liebmann April 17, 2017   After trillions of dollars spent, thousands of dead and wounded, and the creation of myriad new terrorist enemies, Washington could learn a few lessons when considering future interventions. 1. Do not attempt to establish […]

Comments on Proposed Baltimore City Police Consent Decree

To: I make these comments only because I have been a public critic of this ‘Consent Decree’ and do not wish silence to be taken as acquiescence. I shall not appear at the April 6 hearing, unauthorized by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, since, like others before it in this Court’s Housing case, […]

The Cloning of Judges: Judicial Appointment Process Tainted, but not By Trump The Cloning of Judges The inception of the Trump administration when there are a hundred vacancies on the lower federal courts presages unedifying controversies about ‘pop issues.’ Our contemporary Senators have little interest in permanent things: enforcement of horizontal and vertical separation of powers, protection of procedural due process , and predictability in the […]

Remarks on the Election

Introduction of Senate President Thomas “Mike” Miller, Library Company of the Baltimore Bar, November 7, 2016 We have in the course of our lecture series never before honored a practising legislator, a species usually held in as much esteem as the proprietors of sausage factories. I do not know Senator Miller well, but he like […]

The fix is in with Baltimore’s pending consent decree   Comments to United States District Court on Baltimore Police Consent Decree   To: I make these comments only because I have been a public critic of this ‘Consent Decree’ and do not wish silence to be taken as acquiescence. I shall not appear at the April 6 hearing, unauthorized by the Federal […]

In Defense of the ‘Deplorables’

Gleichschaltung, American Style

Gleichschaltung–American Style by George W. Liebmann Gleiichschaltung was the process by which the new Nazi regime in Germany subordinated to itself every independent organism in the German state–the Prussian police (1932, under the Papen government), the political parties, federal states, labor unions, universities and Protestant churches (1933), the Army (1934). The underlying purpose was set […]