What Courts Are (and Are Not) For

What Courts Are (And Are Not) For The Court’s attempt to extend its purview has actually limited its ability to exercise its proper authority. The American Conservative SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 | 12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN Anyone contemplating the performance of America’s judiciary over the last seventy years would gain the impression that American courts are […]

Covid Creates New Opportunities in Suburbs

/The Washington Times Print By George W. Liebmann – – Wednesday, September 23, 2020 ANALYSIS/OPINION: There is gloom about the effects of the coronavirus crisis on cities. Office culture will never be the same, and telecommuting has spread from publishing to other businesses. This is true of law, with electronic filing, large corporations, with zoom […]

Justice Ginsburg’s Death and the Future of the Supreme Court

Justice Ginsburg’s Death And The Future Of The Supreme Court The death of the 87 year old associate justice has already stimulated predictable but unenlightening reactions. TheAmericanConservative SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 | 12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN While all concede her grit in clinging to power in the face of physical adversity, this is not a quality […]

Trump and Biden: Two Profiles in Cowardice on Marijuana

OPINION Trump and Biden: Two profiles in cowardice on marijuana NEW YORK DAILY NEWS | SEP 17, 2020 AT 5:00 AM .. Since the beginnings of the drug war, national policy on marijuana has been essentially frozen. Marijuana has been classified with the most dangerous drugs, without foundation in careful studies of the substance. The […]

Opposition to ‘Diploma Privilege’ for Law School Graduates; Defense of Bar Exam Requirement

August 24, 2020 To the Judges of the Court of Appeals I write to vigorously oppose the proposal for so-called “Diploma Privilege” for admission to the Bar now before the Court. I have been a member of the Maryland Bar for 56 years and have been President of the Library Company of the Baltimore Bar […]

The Suicide of Congress

Townhall Columnists George Liebmann OPINION The Suicide of Congress George LiebmannGeorge Liebmann|Posted: Sep 12, 2020 12:01 AM The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com. The Suicide of Congress Public congressional approval ratings currently stand at 18%. This is a result of the manifest inability of […]

Fifty Years of Moralistic Rhetoric

The Washington Times Examining fifty years of moralistic rhetoric surrounding America’s civil rights acts Supporters of BLM need to take heed of the lessons preached by the critics of 1968 By George W. Liebmann – – Wednesday, August 19, 2020 It is useful to review what contemporary critics of the 1968 Black and student disturbances […]

G. Liebmann, “Is America Losing Another Generation,”, Washington Times, August 4, 2020

Is America Losing Another Generation?

The Washington Times HOMEOPINIONCOMMENTARY With current rioting and protests, is America losing another generation? By George W. Liebmann – – Tuesday, August 4, 2020 After the violence of the late 1960s, there was a bipartisan Thermidor. National drug legislation was initiated, the product of a “bidding war” among Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller. […]

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions

The Washington Examiner OPINION The secular case for abortion restrictions by George W. Liebmann | July 27, 2020 12:00 AM Chief Justice John Roberts’s controlling opinion in the recent Louisiana abortion case June Medical has been widely viewed as a setback for opponents of abortion as a constitutional right. But in fact, it paves the […]