Book Announcement- Vox Clamantis In Deserto by George W. Liebmann
VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]
Lawmakers Already Have Authority to Add Money to State Budget
Skip to content SECTIONS ________________________________________ SEARCH Lawmakers already have authority to add money to state budget | READER COMMENTARY FOR THE BALTIMORE SUN | OCT 01, 2020 AT 2:47 PM Maryland House of Delegates votes on final bills before adjourning a pandemic-abbreviated session earlier this year. One of the measures passed by the General Assembly […]
Policy Changes Sparked by the Coronavirus Epidemic
Policy Changes that Have Been Sparked by the Coronavirus Pandemic Townhall Columnists George Liebmann OPINION May 23, 2020 As Americans suffer the coronavirus pandemic, the economy is in a precarious state and unemployment has reached levels not seen since the Great Depression. It is a time to reconsider some policies relating to taxation and labor […]
Thornton Revisited
Thornton Revisited? by George W. Liebmann Baltimore Sun, July 6, 2016 A Commission under the chairmanship of former University of Maryland Chancellor William Kirwan has been studying the ‘adequacy’ of financing of Maryland’s K-12 education system. Creation of the commission was provided for in 2002 ; it is carefully composed of only two designees […]
Expanding Distance Learning in Maryland Schools
Expanding Distance Learning in Maryland Schools A Comparative Analysis of Distance Learning in Maryland and Other States by Nicholas Schwaderer Calvert Institute for Policy Research 8 West Hamilton Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Tel: (410) 752 5887 Contents 1 MARYLAND ONLINE EDUCATION […]
Maryland’s Pension System has Performed Poorly for Decades Maryland’s pension system has performed poorly for decades under two separate treasurers By George W. Liebmann 2:09 PM EST, February 19, 2014 Advertisement The state pension system is Maryland’s financial Achilles heel and has been for decades. All bond rating services have noted that rising pension debt endangers the state’s AAA bond […]
The problem with Obamacare,0,2335264.story The problem with Obamacare Neither party is willing to acknowledge — much less fix — the faults of an entitlement program that will only drive us deeper into debt By George Liebmann 5:03 PM EDT, October 21, 2013 Two narratives about the recent partial government shutdown are popular. The Obama administration […]
Pension Follies, Resumed
Maryland has, just, preserved its AAA bond rating, though with a negative outlook from Moody’s. Moody’s has issued a publication reporting that Maryland is one of the ten worst states in terms of the burden of pension debt, Maryland’s pension obligations being almost exactly equal to one year’s gross revenues, 99.5% of […]
Mismanaged Maryland
Mismanaged Maryland Despite talk of reforms and budget cuts, Annapolis dabbles in excessive borrowing, noncompetitive projects and risky investments By George Liebmann6:00 a.m. EDT, March 11, 2013 There is a sharp disconnect between the image and reality of the O’Malley administration’s fiscal policies. The image features pension reforms, reduced structural deficits, […]