The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions by George W. Liebmann The 45 years that have elapsed since Roe v. Wade have seen no diminution of the abortion controversy. Laurence Tribe, Roe’s only academic defender at the time of its rendition has assured us that it is “a clash of absolutes.” The absolutes are Justice Kennedy’s […]

A Tale of Two Commissions

A Tale of Two Commissions by George Liebmann Those amazed by the parlous state of today’s Democratic Party can find its roots in the fate of two national commission reports of twenty years ago. National commission reports are not usually brought by the stork. These bodies are usually created by Presidents for their own purposes. […]

A Sense of Proportion

A Sense of Proportion by George W. Liebmann The Democratic Party is distinguished by its almost exclusive focus on identity politics. Its Republican adversaries offer opposition to any tax increases and ritualistic nationalism. The contending forces have in common the absence of any sense of proportion. Consider immigration. One faction envisages closed borders, mass deportations, […]

America’s Paramount Foreign Policy Goal: Minimizing Refugees

G. Liebmann,,December 1, 2017

More Than A French Feminist

RIP: Simone Veil: More Than a French Feminist by George W. Liebmann, July 24,2017 The recent death of Simone Veil, a Holocaust survivor who as French Health Minister in the centrist Gisgard d’Estaing government was the sponsor of a liberalizing French abortion law, and who thereafter was the first President of the European […]

Eleven Suggestions for a Populist Agenda   A Populist Agenda? Eleven Suggestions by George W. Liebmann President Trump’s victory has been ascribed to a recognition on his part, and that of Steven Bannon, that identity politics was a game that any number can play. Alternatively, it has been ascribed to their recognition of three social deficits: 1) trade-induced unemployment, especially […]

In Defense of the ‘Deplorables’

Gleichschaltung, American Style

Gleichschaltung–American Style by George W. Liebmann Gleiichschaltung was the process by which the new Nazi regime in Germany subordinated to itself every independent organism in the German state–the Prussian police (1932, under the Papen government), the political parties, federal states, labor unions, universities and Protestant churches (1933), the Army (1934). The underlying purpose was set […]

1920 Revisited?

1920 Revisited? by George W. Liebmann Many Americans are bemused by the success of a candidate who has mastered the fascist speaking techniques described by the sociologist David Riesman in 1942: “The violence and daring of the verbal onslaughts exercise a great appeal over the imagination of lower middle-class folk who live insipid and anxious […]

The State of the Parties

The state of the parties By George W. Liebmann Baltimore Sun Online AUGUST 21, 2015, 10:17 AM Twenty–five years ago, an eminent legal scholar, the late Philip Kurland, suggested that the tone of American politics was  reminiscent of that in inter-war continental Europe. Democrats devote themselves to appeals on lines of race, gender, and nationality. […]