Baltimore’s Problems–And the Nation’s

Baltimore’s Problems–And the Nation’s by George W. Liebmann According to the President and the media, the disturbances here are the product of gratuitous police brutality, the elimination of which is “the great civil rights cause of our generation.” This agenda is one with which the civil rights establishment is comfortable. But, as Arthur Schlesinger pointed […]

Fragmented Families

“Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control, Thy Liberty in Law” from M. Pearlstein (ed.), Fragmented Families and Silence of the Faithful (2015) By George W. Liebmann In addressing the problems presented by fragmented families, religious institutions must first strengthen themselves. There was a time when the ministry was considered one of the three great learned professions, […]

The Feds, the States, and the Controlled Substances Act

The Feds, the States and the Controlled Substances Act How exactly is Colorado undermining federal law? Nothing requires a state to make marijuana illegal. Wall Street Journal January 12, 2015   To the Editor: Maryland, under Gov. Albert Ritchie, steadfastly refused to prohibit alcohol sales throughout Prohibition, and Al Smith’s New York repealed its prohibition […]

The King of Pop Issues

O’Malley’s latest ‘pop’ issue – Maryland’s governor has proposed that undocumented child immigrants should be placed in foster care By George W. Liebmann 1:31 p.m. EDT, August 6, 2014 O’Malley takes on another ‘pop’ issue [Commentary] Gov. Martin O’Malley, a presidential hopeful, has taken on yet another “pop issue,” proposing that we provide foster […]

Not Liberals,Not Teapartiers, nor the Religious Right

Published on Center of the American Experiment ( Home > Issues > Culture & Religion > Not Liberals, Not Tea Partiers, nor the Religious Right Not Liberals, Not Tea Partiers, nor the Religious Right Culture & Religion Social Policy   By George Liebmann [1]October 11, 2012Fragmented Families and Splintered Classes: A Symposium [2] [3]   […]

The problem with Obamacare,0,2335264.story The problem with Obamacare Neither party is willing to acknowledge — much less fix — the faults of an entitlement program that will only drive us deeper into debt By George Liebmann 5:03 PM EDT, October 21, 2013     Two narratives about the recent partial government shutdown are popular. The Obama administration […]

Pension Follies, Resumed

      Maryland has, just, preserved its AAA bond rating, though with a negative outlook from Moody’s. Moody’s has issued a publication reporting that Maryland is one of the ten worst states in terms of the burden of pension debt, Maryland’s pension obligations being almost exactly equal to one year’s gross revenues, 99.5% of […]

Switzerland in America

  George Liebmann: Switzerland in America Gazette Newspapers, November 2, 2012 The ballot referendums are important since two cure-alls of the 1970s, campaign finance “reform” and strict reapportionment, have delivered the legislature to reliable partisans and ‘bundlers” of campaign contributions. Referendums have served the Swiss well. The casino bill and congressional redistricting reflect the culture […]

Marylanders Get A Taste of Veto Democracy

      Marylanders get a taste of veto democracy Referendums allow voters to check Annapolis’ excesses               0   By George Liebmann 1:21 p.m. EDT, October 30, 2012   Marylanders will soon have an opportunity common in a country other than their own: the right to veto a legislature’s product. […]

Federalism and Obamacare

    Federalism and Obamacare   by George Liebmann       The Supreme Court decision allowing ‘Obamacare’ to survive should not have   come as a surprise to anyone. Save where confiscatory legislation is involved, the   Constitution as it has been construed for at least the last 80 years imposes few   barriers […]