All the News That’s Not Fit To Print

by George Liebmann Readers of the New York Times cannot fail to be impressed by its coverage of American school and college campus disturbances and demands. Any group of a half-dozen students composing a list of demands, whether at a private school like the Dalton School in New York, at Princeton, or in any smaller […]

The Mellon Foundation Goes Woke

The Mellon Foundation Goes Woke The nation’s largest supporter of the humanities has elevated politics over art, and sometimes forsakes the latter altogether. The American Conservative Online DECEMBER 28, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN AND ANDREW BALIO Not to be outdone by The New York Times‘ 1619 Project, the Mellon Foundation recently announced its appropriation of […]

The Taliban Come to America, Disguised as Philanthropoids

Political foundations seek to “re-imagine” America’s monuments. A new Reece Committee is needed to stop them. The American Conservative NOVEMBER 20, 2020 GEORGE LIEBMANN Only the unobservant will be startled by the recent announcement by the Mellon Foundation of its appropriation of $250 million for a “Monuments Project: Building the Commemorative Landscape for the 21st […]

Wake Up, Corporate America: How Business Feeds the Mouth that Bites It

The Environmental Law Institute is a tax-exempt organization active in the field of public policy. Among its claims to fame is the legal rationale that allowed Exxon to be held criminally responsible for the Valdez oil spill off Alaska. Every year, astonishingly, the Environmental Law Institute receives a grant – generally around $5,000 – from […]