January 19th, 2022
Category: Budget, Economic Regulation, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, Job Training, Markets and Privatization, Welfare and Other Social
Working With Biden On Build Back Better Salvageable parts of Biden’s program should be enacted as free-standing bills. TheAmericanConservativeOnline JANUARY 19, 2022|1:00 PM GEORGE LIEBMANN Biden’s Build Back Better was originally promoted as a Keynesian effort to restore the economy after Covid-19; inflation has undercut that justification. The bill’s revenue provisions carefully forswear the imposition […]
December 31st, 2021
Category: Budget, Corporate Welfare, Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Economic Regulation, Education, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, Health Care, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Markets and Privatization, Miscellaneous, Philanthropy, Regulation, Religion, State and Local Politics, The Right, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]
August 14th, 2021
Category: Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
Restrictions on Baltimore police, prosecutors allow criminal ‘underworld’ to flourish | COMMENTARY By GEORGE LIEBMANN FOR THE BALTIMORE SUN | AUG 14, 2021 AT 6:42 AM The Sun has recently reported the quarterly self-congratulatory ceremony before Judge James Bredar in which the sponsors of and financial and reputational beneficiaries of the Baltimore police consent decree […]
May 17th, 2021
Category: Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Economic Regulation, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, State and Local Politics, The Right, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
On Crime And Punishment In Large Cities Consent decrees hamper police and lead to increased homicides. Reforms are possible without stopping all minor crime enforcement. MAY 17, 2021|1:00 PM GEORGE LIEBMANN,TheAmerican Conservative Online Recent events might lead the uninitiated to believe that, on the crime front, America’s large cities are getting better and better. Several […]
May 1st, 2021
Category: Economic Regulation, Education, Job Training, Markets and Privatization, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
Minimum Conditions For Biden’s Minimum Wage Paired with real efforts to address youth unemployment, a minimum wage hike would not be as disruptive as free-marketers fear. MAY 1, 2021|12:01 AM,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN An increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15.00 an hour is said to be part of the initial […]
February 12th, 2021
Category: Book Review, Budget, Corporate Welfare, Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Economic Regulation, Education, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, Health Care, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Markets and Privatization, Miscellaneous, Philanthropy, Regulation, Religion, State and Local Politics, The Right, Welfare and Other Social
VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]
February 11th, 2021
Category: Culture Wars, Economic Regulation, Job Training, Miscellaneous, Regulation
Subscri Beyond The Paris Accord, An Environmentalism Of Solidarity And Purpose Today’s green activists propose punitive policies and are often wrong. Fortunately there is a better way forward. FEBRUARY 6, 2021,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN President Trump’s rejection of the Paris climate accord was no surprise, coming as it did from modern America’s leading apostle of the […]
January 14th, 2021
Category: Drugs, Economic Regulation, Education, Efficiency in Government, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Markets and Privatization, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
11 Populist Proposals For The Post-Trump GOP The president’s reign might have devolved into nihilism, but there are ideas waiting for those who would pick them up. JANUARY 14, 2021|1:00 PM, TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN Nearly four years ago, this writer noted in these pages that Donald Trump had been brought to power by three issues […]
November 6th, 2020
Category: Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
The Washington Times > By George W. Liebmann – – Thursday, November 5, 2020 Perhaps one of the forgotten 4 million voters who supported Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld despite the systematic disparagement of them by the mass media in 2016, and who was also a Republican for Biden may be permitted to suggest […]
October 14th, 2020
Category: Criminal Justice, Culture Wars, Drugs, Job Training, Judiciary and Legal Issues, State and Local Politics, Welfare and Other Social
BLM: An Epidemic Of Ideas Organized crime benefits from the chaos created by civil unrest, and politicians don’t seem eager to fight back. OCTOBER 14, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN Theamericanconservative.com Judge Learned Hand referred to America’s vulnerability to ‘epidemics of ideas’ which sweep the land when sufficient people find a cause to profit by. Black […]