March 31st, 2020
Category: Criminal Justice, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, Regulation, State and Local Politics, The Right, Urban Affairs, Welfare and Other Social
Some Emergency Powers Need Congress’s OK by George W. Liebmann Regarding the suggestion by David B. Rivkin ‘Jr. and Charles Stimson in “A Constitutional Guide to Emergency Powers” (op-ed, March 20) that • “widespread noncompliance with federal quarantines and travel bans promulgated under the Public Health Service Act may qualify as an insurrection.” […]
September 9th, 2019
Category: Culture Wars, Efficiency in Government, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, Publications, The Right
The American Conservative, September 9, 2019 by George Liebmann It is fashionable for Americans and Europeans alike to think of Donald Trump as an aberration—a fluke thrown up by the obtuseness of an insulated ruling class for sponsoring an unattractive candidate like Hillary Clinton. Many believe that once the lessons of Trump are absorbed […]
April 4th, 2019
Category: Book Review, Culture Wars, Miscellaneous
Richard J. Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History (London and Boston: Little, Brown, 2019, 785pp. by George W. Liebmann This is a massive biography of a economic historian whose popular fame rests on his having been made one of 65 Companions of Honour by the Queen while remaining a member of the Communist Party […]
February 14th, 2019
Category: Judiciary and Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, The Right, Welfare and Other Social
The Filibuster, According to Robert Taft by George W. Liebmann Public congressional approval ratings have rarely been above 20% since 2012 and currently stand at 15.3%. This is a result of the manifest inability of the Senate to enact significant legislation by reason of the three-fifths cloture rule. Speaking of filibusters in 1946, the then […]
November 22nd, 2018
Category: Foreign Relations, Miscellaneous
The “Five Policemen” Revisited by George W. Liebmann “THE PRESIDENT then turned to the third organization which he termed “The Four Policemen,” namely the Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain and China. This organization would have the power to deal immediately with any threat to the peace and any sudden emergency which requires this action. […]
May 25th, 2018
Category: Culture Wars, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, Religion, State and Local Politics
REMARKS OF GEORGE W. LIEBMANN BEFORE THE MENCKEN SOCIETY, AT THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MENCKEN DAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 MENCKEN ON CHURCH AND STATE I am honored to be asked to deliver this talk, but in some measure your presence here is due to false advertising. I am a lawyer who has written about constitutional […]
December 3rd, 2017
Category: Culture Wars, Miscellaneous, Religion, Welfare and Other Social
G. Liebmann,,December 1, 2017
August 21st, 2017
Category: Culture Wars, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs
To the Editor: Once this City had a newspaperman, H. L. Mencken, who deemed it his duty to quench public passions, not to feed them, and who fought the Anti-Saloon League and Prohibition Amendment, lynching, and the Red Scare. Today it has editors who in at least six disgraceful editorials and without any fair discussion […]
July 6th, 2017
Category: Miscellaneous
The Federal Takeover of Local Law Enforcement America’s Founders warned against national police, for good reason. by George W. Liebmann The American Conservative, July 6, 2017 Few propositions about American history are clearer than that the framers of our Constitution wanted to preclude the creation of a national law-enforcement authority in any way resembling […]
May 31st, 2017
Category: Miscellaneous A Prophet Remembered John Paton Davies’ memoir, China Hand, was posthumously published, to some critical acclaim, several years ago. His name is usually bracketed with other, more left-wing ‘defrocked diplomats’ of the Mc Carthy period, including O. Edmund Clubb, Owen Lattimore, and John Stewart Service. The later lives of these folk are mostly remembered […]