Restoring the Domain of Politics

Liebmann and Shively,P.A.:Local Government and Education Law Home Hamdan and the Law Federalism and Criminal Law Creating Community in Planned Communities (Conference) Common Law Tradition: A Collective Portrait (On-line Lecture) Review of Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil: Diaries 1945-1969 Review of Sarah Binder, Stalemate: The Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock Review of Gabriel Schoenfeld, […]

A Tale of Two Attorneys General

Liebmann and Shively,P.A.:Local Government and Education Law Home Hamdan and the Law Federalism and Criminal Law Creating Community in Planned Communities (Conference) Common Law Tradition: A Collective Portrait (On-line Lecture) Review of Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil: Diaries 1945-1969 Review of Sarah Binder, Stalemate: The Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock Review of Gabriel Schoenfeld, […]

Liberals Who Are Not Liberal

Liebmann and Shively,P.A.:Local Government and Education Law Home Hamdan and the Law Federalism and Criminal Law Creating Community in Planned Communities (Conference) Common Law Tradition: A Collective Portrait (On-line Lecture) Review of Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil: Diaries 1945-1969 Review of Sarah Binder, Stalemate: The Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock Review of Gabriel Schoenfeld, […]

Review of Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil

Liebmann and Shively,P.A.:Local Government and Education Law Home Hamdan and the Law Federalism and Criminal Law Creating Community in Planned Communities (Conference) Common Law Tradition: A Collective Portrait (On-line Lecture) Review of Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil: Diaries 1945-1969 Review of Sarah Binder, Stalemate: The Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock Review of Gabriel Schoenfeld, […]

On Riots, Lawyers, and Police

REMARKS OF GEORGE W. LIEBMANN, PRESIDENT OF THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF THE BALTIMORE BAR, ON THE OCCASION OF THE CELEBRATION OF ITS 175TH ANNIVERSARY, JUNE 24, 2015. This is a delayed celebration. By your presence here, you affirm that lawyers and judges also have rights of peaceable assembly. I would hope that never again will […]

Baltimore’s Problems–And the Nation’s

Baltimore’s Problems–And the Nation’s by George W. Liebmann According to the President and the media, the disturbances here are the product of gratuitous police brutality, the elimination of which is “the great civil rights cause of our generation.” This agenda is one with which the civil rights establishment is comfortable. But, as Arthur Schlesinger pointed […]

Teacher Certification

To the Editor:   Sarah Love contends (“No Private School Funding,” April 9) that “publkic schools take all comers.” When it comes to faculty, a recent Calvert Institute study  shows that our public schools exclude 90% of qualified scientists and liberal arts graduates from the teaching force, by requiring 27 credit hours of ‘,methods’ courses. […]

Fragmented Families

“Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control, Thy Liberty in Law” from M. Pearlstein (ed.), Fragmented Families and Silence of the Faithful (2015) By George W. Liebmann In addressing the problems presented by fragmented families, religious institutions must first strengthen themselves. There was a time when the ministry was considered one of the three great learned professions, […]

The Feds, the States, and the Controlled Substances Act

The Feds, the States and the Controlled Substances Act How exactly is Colorado undermining federal law? Nothing requires a state to make marijuana illegal. Wall Street Journal January 12, 2015   To the Editor: Maryland, under Gov. Albert Ritchie, steadfastly refused to prohibit alcohol sales throughout Prohibition, and Al Smith’s New York repealed its prohibition […]

Time for ‘Bottom Up’ Education Reform

Time for ‘Bottom-Up’ Education Reform by George W. Liebmann The renewed clamor for postponement of ‘common core’ testing provides further evidence of the failure of ‘top-down’ reform in Maryland public schools. Who can forget MSPAP, the State Board’s high stakes tests for graduation, and the procrastination in fulfilling the ‘Race to the Top’ promise that […]