July 25th, 2012
Category: Budget, Health Care, Welfare and Other Social
Federalism and Obamacare by George Liebmann The Supreme Court decision allowing ‘Obamacare’ to survive should not have come as a surprise to anyone. Save where confiscatory legislation is involved, the Constitution as it has been construed for at least the last 80 years imposes few barriers […]
July 9th, 2012
Category: Budget, Fiscal, State and Local Politics
Questionable investment strategies could put state’s bond rating at risk Comments 2 Share0 By George Liebmann12:34 p.m. EDT, July 9, 2012 There are serious clouds over the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System and the way the O’Malley administration has managed it. Consider the following: 1. The rate of […]
June 15th, 2012
Category: Budget, Fiscal, State and Local Politics
The O’Malley Fiscal Record After five years, it is time to take stock of Governor O’Malley’s fiscal record. This may be done under several headings: 1. New Spending Initiatives A. Employment Tax Credit This $20 million “Job Creation and Recovery Act” credit was initially claimed with respect to only 1000 jobs, […]
March 2nd, 2012
Category: Budget, Comment, Education, Efficiency in Government, Fiscal, Publications, State and Local Politics, Urban Affairs
www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-school-construction-20120301,0,1047591.story State should not agree to commit vast sums over decades to a questionable building plan By George W. Liebmann 4:18 PM EST, March 1, 2012 Advertisement On the important issue of school construction, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has displayed refreshing common sense by demonstrating skepticism about a vastly inflated — indeed […]
September 18th, 2011
Category: Budget, Comment, Fiscal, Miscellaneous, Publications
Confronting Party Myths by George W. Liebmann Some cheer can be obtained from recent fiscal events. The Reagan-Bush tax cuts ended the Democratic era of tax and spend. The debt limit crisis ended the Republican era of borrow and spend. Perhaps the hour of the late Adlai Stevenson, who told us “there are no gains […]
February 1st, 2011
Category: Budget, News Series
The current state administration likes to boast of its economic development record, but the best test of economic development is provided by the way that people behave in fact. For many years, Maryland was one of the fastest-growing states in the East. Its growth was spurred not only by the growth of the national government […]
October 18th, 2010
Category: Budget, News Series
There are many resemblances between former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Gov. Martin O’Malley, but this election is not a choice between tweedledum and tweedledee. Mr. Ehrlich has compromised himself in conventional ways, most notably by signing an unaffordable Democrat-sponsored election-year increase in teachers’ pensions on which he should have bestowed a foredoomed veto. […]
September 30th, 2010
Category: Budget, Report
In March 2006, the Institute issued a Report, The Baltimore City Retirement Systems: Heading for Trouble. The summary at the front of the Report stated: “The skimming off of surpluses to provide new unfunded benefits in good investment years, together with mediocre or worse investment performance and an escalation of disability claims in the Fire […]