Youth and the Virus Crisis

Click here for the accessible version SEARCH Search Input (Press cntl+alt+a to switch to accessible mode) Sign Out  Options Wed, Mar 18, 2020 7:33 pm Youth and the Virus Crisis by George Liebmann No one can enjoy the spectacle of an antique and floundering President, being overborne by public health events. Nor can one be […]

Some Emergency Powers Need Congress’s OK

Some Emergency Powers Need Congress’s OK   by George W. Liebmann   Regarding the suggestion by David B. Rivkin ‘Jr. and Charles Stimson in “A Constitutional Guide to Emergency Powers” (op-ed, March 20) that • “widespread noncompliance with federal quarantines and travel bans promulgated under the Public Health Service Act may qualify as an insurrection.” […]

Epidemics of Ideas

Epidemics of Ideas By George Liebmann The greatest of American judges, Learned Hand, warned of Americans’ susceptibility to epidemics of ideas. His concerns about media concentration led him to impose public utility standards on the Associated Press in a famous antitrust case in recognition of the non-economic interests at stake. Judge Robert Bork and his […]

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions by George W. Liebmann The 45 years that have elapsed since Roe v. Wade have seen no diminution of the abortion controversy. Laurence Tribe, Roe’s only academic defender at the time of its rendition has assured us that it is “a clash of absolutes.” The absolutes are Justice Kennedy’s […]

Mencken on Church and State

REMARKS OF GEORGE W. LIEBMANN BEFORE THE MENCKEN SOCIETY, AT THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MENCKEN DAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 MENCKEN ON CHURCH AND STATE I am honored to be asked to deliver this talk, but in some measure your presence here is due to false advertising. I am a lawyer who has written about constitutional […]

Baltimore Under Mob Rule

To the Editor: Once this City had a newspaperman, H. L. Mencken, who deemed it his duty to quench public passions, not to feed them, and who fought the Anti-Saloon League and Prohibition Amendment, lynching, and the Red Scare. Today it has editors who in at least six disgraceful editorials and without any fair discussion […]

Thornton Revisited

Thornton Revisited? by George W. Liebmann   Baltimore Sun,  July 6, 2016 A Commission under the chairmanship of former University of Maryland Chancellor William Kirwan has been studying the ‘adequacy’ of financing of Maryland’s K-12 education system. Creation of the commission was provided for in 2002 ; it is carefully composed of only two designees […]

Judicial Control of Gerrymandering: A Quack Cure-All Judicial Control of Gerrymandering: A “Quack Cure-All” by George W. Liebmann Believers in government by judicial thunderbolt look to a case, Gill v. Whitford (No.16-1161), making its way to the Supreme Court as a possible vehicle for judicial control of legislative gerrymandering. It will be recalled that the reapportionment decisions of the 1960s unlike […]

Comments on Proposed Baltimore City Police Consent Decree

To: I make these comments only because I have been a public critic of this ‘Consent Decree’ and do not wish silence to be taken as acquiescence. I shall not appear at the April 6 hearing, unauthorized by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, since, like others before it in this Court’s Housing case, […]

Remarks on the Election

Introduction of Senate President Thomas “Mike” Miller, Library Company of the Baltimore Bar, November 7, 2016 We have in the course of our lecture series never before honored a practising legislator, a species usually held in as much esteem as the proprietors of sausage factories. I do not know Senator Miller well, but he like […]