Covid Creates New Opportunities in Suburbs

/The Washington Times Print By George W. Liebmann – – Wednesday, September 23, 2020 ANALYSIS/OPINION: There is gloom about the effects of the coronavirus crisis on cities. Office culture will never be the same, and telecommuting has spread from publishing to other businesses. This is true of law, with electronic filing, large corporations, with zoom […]

Opposition to ‘Diploma Privilege’ for Law School Graduates; Defense of Bar Exam Requirement

August 24, 2020 To the Judges of the Court of Appeals I write to vigorously oppose the proposal for so-called “Diploma Privilege” for admission to the Bar now before the Court. I have been a member of the Maryland Bar for 56 years and have been President of the Library Company of the Baltimore Bar […]

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions

The Washington Examiner OPINION The secular case for abortion restrictions by George W. Liebmann | July 27, 2020 12:00 AM Chief Justice John Roberts’s controlling opinion in the recent Louisiana abortion case June Medical has been widely viewed as a setback for opponents of abortion as a constitutional right. But in fact, it paves the […]

The 2015 Baltimore Riots Accomplished Nothing

The Washington Examiner OPINION Reminder: The 2015 Baltimore riots accomplished nothing by George W. Liebmann | July 02, 2020 12:00 AM The precursor to the recent demonstrations, in America and throughout the world, were the Baltimore riots, mostly by young black people, that the nation watched on television in 2015. The immediate cause of the […]

Legalize Granny Houses

___ The American Conservative To Save Elderly At Risk Of Covid, Legalize ‘Granny Houses’ Also allowing more small businesses in residential areas will promote economic resilience. JUNE 19, 2020 GEORGE LIEBMANN Thirty years ago, I published an article in a rather obscure legal publication (the Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law Journal) entitled “Suburban Zoning: […]

Why Not the Best

  Why Not the Best? Washington Times, April 30, 2020 by George W. Liebmann These suggestions regarding the selection of the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee come from what might be considered a suspicious source: a registered Republican.   To be sure, I have been unable to vote for my party’s nominee in the last four Presidential […]

Youth and the Virus Crisis

Click here for the accessible version SEARCH Search Input (Press cntl+alt+a to switch to accessible mode) Sign Out  Options Wed, Mar 18, 2020 7:33 pm Youth and the Virus Crisis by George Liebmann No one can enjoy the spectacle of an antique and floundering President, being overborne by public health events. Nor can one be […]

Some Emergency Powers Need Congress’s OK

Some Emergency Powers Need Congress’s OK   by George W. Liebmann   Regarding the suggestion by David B. Rivkin ‘Jr. and Charles Stimson in “A Constitutional Guide to Emergency Powers” (op-ed, March 20) that • “widespread noncompliance with federal quarantines and travel bans promulgated under the Public Health Service Act may qualify as an insurrection.” […]

Epidemics of Ideas

Epidemics of Ideas By George Liebmann The greatest of American judges, Learned Hand, warned of Americans’ susceptibility to epidemics of ideas. His concerns about media concentration led him to impose public utility standards on the Associated Press in a famous antitrust case in recognition of the non-economic interests at stake. Judge Robert Bork and his […]

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions by George W. Liebmann The 45 years that have elapsed since Roe v. Wade have seen no diminution of the abortion controversy. Laurence Tribe, Roe’s only academic defender at the time of its rendition has assured us that it is “a clash of absolutes.” The absolutes are Justice Kennedy’s […]