How America Can Restore Confidence in its Elections

Restoring Confidence in Elections TheAmericanConsrvativeOnline,January 6, 2021 by George Liebmann There is little doubt that President Trump, before both 2016 and 2020 elections, did all he could to undermine confidence in their results. In 2016, he was abetted by his opponent, whose delayed and graceless concession was followed by state recounts ostensibly requested by the […]

The Taliban Come to America, Disguised as Philanthropoids

Political foundations seek to “re-imagine” America’s monuments. A new Reece Committee is needed to stop them. The American Conservative NOVEMBER 20, 2020 GEORGE LIEBMANN Only the unobservant will be startled by the recent announcement by the Mellon Foundation of its appropriation of $250 million for a “Monuments Project: Building the Commemorative Landscape for the 21st […]

The Mixed Blessing of Citizens United

The Mixed Blessing Of Citizens United The ruling, deemed a success by many, has hurt conservatives horribly. Real reform can be found by looking to our past. The American Conservative NOVEMBER 11, 2020 Few are satisfied with the present state of American politics: a polarized House of Representatives and state legislatures, a presidential race in […]

An End to Juristocracy: Fixing the Judicial System Has Nothing To Do With Packing Courts

The American Conservative, November 3, 2020 NOVEMBER 3, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN It was refreshing to see the editors of the New York Times declare (“The Republican Party’s Supreme Court,” October 27): “The courts must not be in the position of resolving all of America’s political debates. But if Americans can agree on that, then […]

BLM: An Epidemic of Ideas

BLM: An Epidemic Of Ideas Organized crime benefits from the chaos created by civil unrest, and politicians don’t seem eager to fight back. OCTOBER 14, 2020|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN Judge Learned Hand referred to America’s vulnerability to ‘epidemics of ideas’ which sweep the land when sufficient people find a cause to profit by. Black […]

Lawmakers Already Have Authority to Add Money to State Budget

Skip to content SECTIONS ________________________________________ SEARCH Lawmakers already have authority to add money to state budget | READER COMMENTARY FOR THE BALTIMORE SUN | OCT 01, 2020 AT 2:47 PM Maryland House of Delegates votes on final bills before adjourning a pandemic-abbreviated session earlier this year. One of the measures passed by the General Assembly […]

Covid Creates New Opportunities in Suburbs

/The Washington Times Print By George W. Liebmann – – Wednesday, September 23, 2020 ANALYSIS/OPINION: There is gloom about the effects of the coronavirus crisis on cities. Office culture will never be the same, and telecommuting has spread from publishing to other businesses. This is true of law, with electronic filing, large corporations, with zoom […]

Opposition to ‘Diploma Privilege’ for Law School Graduates; Defense of Bar Exam Requirement

August 24, 2020 To the Judges of the Court of Appeals I write to vigorously oppose the proposal for so-called “Diploma Privilege” for admission to the Bar now before the Court. I have been a member of the Maryland Bar for 56 years and have been President of the Library Company of the Baltimore Bar […]

The Secular Case for Abortion Restrictions

The Washington Examiner OPINION The secular case for abortion restrictions by George W. Liebmann | July 27, 2020 12:00 AM Chief Justice John Roberts’s controlling opinion in the recent Louisiana abortion case June Medical has been widely viewed as a setback for opponents of abortion as a constitutional right. But in fact, it paves the […]

The 2015 Baltimore Riots Accomplished Nothing

The Washington Examiner OPINION Reminder: The 2015 Baltimore riots accomplished nothing by George W. Liebmann | July 02, 2020 12:00 AM The precursor to the recent demonstrations, in America and throughout the world, were the Baltimore riots, mostly by young black people, that the nation watched on television in 2015. The immediate cause of the […]