Biden Pushes Home Health Services As Infrastructure

Biden Pushes Home Health Services As Infrastructure The centralized approach replaces family and community with unionized federal home care workers. TheAmericanConservativeOnline JUNE 8, 2021|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN The Biden Administration, as part of its somewhat misleadingly entitled “infrastructure” bill, has proposed an enormous $400 billion program to expand home health services, capitalizing on the justified […]

‘They’ll None of Them be Missed’

After Voting For 16, ‘They’ll None Of Them Be Missed’ By supporting lowering the voting age to 16, progressive Democrats, 125 of them, have painted a political target on themselves. MAY 29, 2021|, GEORGE LIEBMANN On March 3 of this year, 125 Democrats voted to give 16-year-olds the vote in federal elections. No Republicans joined […]

Whither Roe: A Secular Case for Abortion Restriction

Whither Roe?: A Secular Case For Abortion Restriction America’s unusually lax abortion laws have led to more out-of-wedlock births and non-college-educated women in poverty. The American Conservative Online GEORGE LIEBMANN The recent grant of certiorari by the Supreme Court in the Dobbs case from Mississippi has led to much speculation as to the ultimate fate […]

On Crime and Punishment in Large Cities

On Crime And Punishment In Large Cities Consent decrees hamper police and lead to increased homicides. Reforms are possible without stopping all minor crime enforcement. MAY 17, 2021|1:00 PM GEORGE LIEBMANN,TheAmerican Conservative Online Recent events might lead the uninitiated to believe that, on the crime front, America’s large cities are getting better and better. Several […]

On Crime and Punishment in Baltimore

Budget Reform /Criminal Justice On Crime and Punishment in Baltimore George Liebmann ,Maryland Public Policy Institute blog, May 10, 2021 Two recent events might lead one to believe that, on the crime front, Baltimore is getting better and better. In March, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced with pride that the “war on drugs is over […]

How Public Policy Forgot the Basics

Technical fixes do more to help people than popular partisanship. APRIL 13, 2021,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN Some years ago, the late Elliot Richardson, who served in multiple cabinet offices before becoming a major contributor to the downfall of President Richard Nixon, wrote of the utility in politics of “end runs.” By these he meant proposals which, […]

Voter Suppression and Voting Integrity

‘Voter Suppression’ And Voting Integrity Not all restrictions on the right to vote should be presumed illegitimate. The AmericanConservativeOnline,March 31,2021 GEORGE LIEBMANN Clear thinking is not enhanced by assailing any restriction of the voting franchise as “voter suppression.” Nor are regulations which have a so-called disparate impact on black Americans necessarily racist. Throughout American history […]

The Case Against Cameras in Courtrooms

Baltimore Sun, February 23,2021 By George Liebmann The British courts have sweeping bans against press coverage of ongoing trials, and the Federal Judicial Conference, after several experiments, banned broadcast coverage in United States federal courts. Many state courts, too, forbid such recording, including Maryland’s, which in 1981 outlawed the use of electronic news media, cameras […]

Book Announcement- Vox Clamantis In Deserto by George W. Liebmann

VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO by George W. Liebmann This is a collection of 110 short ‘op-ed’ articles written over a 25-year period encompassing the unfortunate Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump administrations; included are a few longer pieces on welfare, reapportionment, Palestine, and civil rights ‘consent decrees.’ This collection is followed by book reviews of […]

Trump’s Path to the Political Graveyard

The president shares all the characteristics of history’s forsaken leaders. In the end, he’ll meet their fate. JANUARY 12, 2021|12:01 AM,TheAmericanConsrvativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN There has been much speculation over Trump’s future. His intransigence over election results was widely predicted: the necessary increased use of mail-in ballots and resulting delayed counts provided an irresistible opportunity for […]