Another 1973 Abortion Ruling–Doe,not Roe–is at the heart of next month’s Supreme Court Case

Another 1973 abortion ruling — ‘Doe,’ not ‘Roe’ — is at the heart of next month’s Supreme Court Case | GUEST COMMENTARY By GEORGE W. LIEBMANN FOR THE BALTIMORE SUN | NOV 02, 2021 AT 1:48 PM On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a high-profile Texas case that blocks most abortions in […]

The Anti-Jeffersonian Party

The Anti-Jeffersonian Party The Democrats have abandoned populism and decentralization, and with them, the legacies of Jefferson and Jackson. OCTOBER 22, 2021. TheAmericanConservativeOnline|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN There was a time when the Democratic Party viewed itself as a somewhat populist party, and had the custom of sponsoring Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners. These are no more. The […]

They Have Eyes With Which To Read And Readeth Not

They Have Eyes With Which To Read But Readeth Not One has the impression that research by today’s government lawyers consists of tapping keywords into databases compiled since 1992. TheAmericanConservativeOnline SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 They Have Eyes With Which To Read But Readeth Not One has the impression that research by today’s government lawyers consists of […]

The End of Doe v. Bolton and the End of Roe

The End Of Doe V. Bolton And The End Of Roe If the abortion decisions fall, a great deal of other judicial activism might fall with them. SEPTEMBER 16, 2021|12:01 AM,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN For a long time, I thought that whatever changes took place on the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade would not be overruled […]

The Decline and Fall of New York Democracy

The Decline And Fall Of New York Democracy Cuomo is only one more chapter in a long and depressing story. TheAmericanConservativeOnline,AUGUST 20, 2021|12:01 AM GEORGE LIEBMANN The recent ignominious departure from office of Andrew Cuomo is the latest act in New York’s sad saga of political decline. Cuomo fell because of his private life, such […]

Restrictions on Baltimore Police, Prosecutors Allow Criminal Underworld to Flourish

Restrictions on Baltimore police, prosecutors allow criminal ‘underworld’ to flourish | COMMENTARY By GEORGE LIEBMANN FOR THE BALTIMORE SUN | AUG 14, 2021 AT 6:42 AM The Sun has recently reported the quarterly self-congratulatory ceremony before Judge James Bredar in which the sponsors of and financial and reputational beneficiaries of the Baltimore police consent decree […]

The Decline of a Polity: Maryland 1960-2020

The Decline Of A Polity: Maryland 1960-2020 Well-intentioned democratization reforms wreaked havoc on the small state. JULY 7, 2021|12:01 AM,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN The last 60 years have seen drastic changes in Maryland government. Many may feel that these changes are egalitarian and for the better. But even from the point of view of social or […]

Biden’s Education Schemes Foreclose Sensible Reforms

Biden’s Education Schemes Foreclose Sensible Reforms The need to improve our schools is obvious, as are many of the real solutions. JUNE 23, 2021,TheAmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN President Joe Biden’s education proposals are not fiscally modest. Two new years of free preschooling, staffed by unionized teachers. Free community colleges, for another year or two. Massive forgiveness […]

Abortive Motion to Strike Proposed Section 213.10 of Model Penal Code

Model Penal Code: Sexual Assault and Related Offenses Tentative Draft No. 5 Motion to Strike in Its Entirety Section 213.10 Affirmative Defense of Explicit Prior Permission Submitted by George W. Liebmann This defense is a novelty; it would be grossly inappropriate in a Restatement and is no less so in a Model Penal Code if […]

Biden’s Housing Plan: An Anthology of Failed Approaches

NEW URBANISM Biden’s Housing Plan: An Anthology Of Failed Approaches The administration aims promote racial and socio-economic integration through social engineering. JUNE 11, 2021, The AmericanConservativeOnline GEORGE LIEBMANN The Biden administration has just announced a $318 billion “infrastructure” housing plan, conspicuous for its almost total absence of new thinking and for its large investments in […]