More Than A French Feminist

RIP: Simone Veil: More Than a French Feminist by George W. Liebmann, July 24,2017 The recent death of Simone Veil, a Holocaust survivor who as French Health Minister in the centrist Gisgard d’Estaing government was the sponsor of a liberalizing French abortion law, and who thereafter was the first President of the European […]

17 Rules for Foreign Interventions       17 Rules for Foreign Interventions Lessons from America’s lost wars By George Liebmann April 17, 2017   After trillions of dollars spent, thousands of dead and wounded, and the creation of myriad new terrorist enemies, Washington could learn a few lessons when considering future interventions. 1. Do not attempt to establish […]

Remarks on the Election

Introduction of Senate President Thomas “Mike” Miller, Library Company of the Baltimore Bar, November 7, 2016 We have in the course of our lecture series never before honored a practising legislator, a species usually held in as much esteem as the proprietors of sausage factories. I do not know Senator Miller well, but he like […]

In Defense of the ‘Deplorables’

1920 Revisited?

1920 Revisited? by George W. Liebmann Many Americans are bemused by the success of a candidate who has mastered the fascist speaking techniques described by the sociologist David Riesman in 1942: “The violence and daring of the verbal onslaughts exercise a great appeal over the imagination of lower middle-class folk who live insipid and anxious […]

The State of the Parties

The state of the parties By George W. Liebmann Baltimore Sun Online AUGUST 21, 2015, 10:17 AM Twenty–five years ago, an eminent legal scholar, the late Philip Kurland, suggested that the tone of American politics was  reminiscent of that in inter-war continental Europe. Democrats devote themselves to appeals on lines of race, gender, and nationality. […]

Things That Ain’t So: A Response to Dworkin’s Review of Murray

Will Rogers is supposed to have said, “The trouble with most folks isn’t their ignorance, but that they know so many things that ain’t so.” Ron Dworkin’s disapproving review of Charles Murray’s What it Means to Be a Libertarian, published in the spring 1997 issue of Calvert News, is based on some ideas about economics […]

Too Easy and Too Free: A Review of Murray\’s Libertarianism

Libertarianism was once the ideology of cranks. While not the kind of people to hand out leaflets at the airport or solicit your house uninvited, libertarians were humorously derided by many and considered suspect by the rest. Then, during the 1970s and ’80s, as the country became disenchanted with government activism, libertarian ideas began to […]