Ms. Dale A. Snyder
Posted in: Employment/Labor Law/Racial Preferences, Health Care/Workers' Compensation, Legal/Regulatory/Judicial
Senior Consultant , Human Resource Group, Inc.836 Ritchie Highway
Suite 7
Severna MD
Home: (410) 757-5931
Website: N/A
Active in business organizations and government affairs on a national, state and local level.Instructor of continuing education courses for accountants and business owners at local colleges, including College of Notre Dame, U.S. Naval Academy and numerous community colleges.
Presenter of human resource management seminars.
Academic Background
N/APublications or Presentations
"Building Bureaucracy & Invading Patient Privacy: Maryland's Health Care Regulations," Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, No. 1168, Apr. 17, 1998."Light-Duty Return-to-Work Programs: Navigating the Legislative Minefield," Warren, McVeigh & Griffin Risk Management Letter, V. 19, N. 6, 1998.
Contributing columnist for the Columbia Business Monthly, Medical News, 50 and Forward and the Maryland Society of Accountant's newsletter.
Issue Specialities
Insurance, Benefit Planning, Group Health and Retirement Plans, Human Resource Management, employment regulations, Hiring and Firing, Sexual Harassment, Work place Violence, pay comparability studies, and compensation issues.Calvert Index
Health Care/Worker's CompensationLegal/Regulatory/Judicial
Employment/Labor Law/Racial Preferences