Dr. Roger Pilon
Posted in: Crime/Self Defense/Illegal Drugs, Legal/Regulatory/Judicial
Director, Center for Constitutional Studies, Vice President, Legal Affairs , Cato Institute1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC
Email: rpilon@cato.org
Home: (301) 469-0218
Website: http://www.cato.org
Holds the B. Kenneth Simon Chair in Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute.In 1989, founded Cato's Center for Constitutional Studies to help restore limited constitutional government.
Advocates a judicial philosophy that would be active in securing constitutional limits on federal, state and local government.
Academic Background
B.A.: Columbia University (Philosophy).M.A.: University of Chicago (Philosophy).
Ph.D.: University of Chicago (Philosophy).
J.D.: George Washington University School of Law.
Publications or Presentations
"The Purpose and Limits of Government," Cato's Letters, No. 13, 1999."Property Rights and Regulatory Takings," in Cato Handbook for Congress, 106th Congress (Washington D.C.: Cato Institute, 1999).
"Discrimination, Affirmative Action and Freedom: Sorting Out the Issues," American University Law Review, 1996.
Issue Specialities
Affirmative action, civil rights, civil liberties, constitutional theory, drug policy, federalism, forfeiture law, property rights, eminent domain, judiciary.Calvert Index
Crime/Self Defense/Illegal DrugsLegal/Regulatory/Judicial