Mr. Christopher W. Mayer
Posted in: Legal/Regulatory/Judicial, State & Municipal Services/Privatization, Taxation/Budget/Economic Policy
Assistant Vice President , Provident Bank of Maryland22 Firstfield Road
Gaithersbur MD
Home: (301) 916-0391
Commercial loan officer responsible for multi-million dollar loan portfolio, focuses on companies with $1 million to $50 million in sales.Has analyzed a variety of companies (financial services, information technology, communications, law firms, utilities, non-profit, government and commercial contractors).
Believes that government governs best when it governs least.
Academic Background
B.S.: University of Maryland (Finance).Pursuing M.B.A.
Publications or Presentations
"Protection for Bad Managers," Foundation for Economic Education The Freeman, Aug. 1999."The Flexibility of the Free Economy," policy paper prepared for the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Jan. 5, 1999.
"Greenspan Is No Hero," The New Australian, No. 97, Nov. 23-29, 1998.
Issue Specialities
Economics, monetary theory, monetary policy, economic history, finance, international trade, political philosophy, mutual funds, accounting, speculation.Calvert Index
Taxation/Budget/Economic PolicyState & Municipal Services/Privatization