Dr. Bruno V. Manno
Posted in: Education/School Choice/Multiculturalism, Society/Family/Community/Religion
Senior Fellow in Education , Anne E. Casey Foundation701 St. Paul Street
Baltimore MD
Email: brunom@aecf.org
Home: (202) 234-4708
Website: http://www.aecf.org
Works with policy reform and evaluation staff to identify and assess funding options in education reform; manages some of AECF's education grant programs.Previously a senior fellow in the Education Policy Studies Program at the Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. and executive director of the congressionally-created National Commission on Cost of Higher Education.
Academic Background
B.A.: University of Dayton (Philosophy).M.A.: University of Dayton (Theological Studies).
Ph.D.: Boston College (Interdisciplinary Studies).
Publications or Presentations
Co-author, Charter Schools in Action: Renewing Public Education (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, January 2000).Co-author, Catholic High Schools: Their Impact on Low-Income Students (Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Education Association, 1986).
"Charter Schools Help Change Public Education," Anniston Star, Oct. 11, 1998.
Issue Specialities
Vouchers, charter schools, parochial schools, Catholic schools, philanthropy, federal education programs, remedial education, outcome-based education.Calvert Index
Education/School Choice/MulticulturalismSociety/Family/Community/Religion