Mr. Samuel Casey Carter
Posted in: Education/School Choice/Multiculturalism, Society/Family/Community/Religion
, Heritage Foundation214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington DC
Home: N/A
Writes about education reforms at the state and local levels.Currently researching schools and students with high poverty rates and high academic performance to dispel the myth that poverty is the cause of academic failure. Focuses on discovering and promoting the essential practices of effective schools.
Completing doctoral dissertation at Catholic University.
Academic Background
B.A.: St. John's College (Philosophy/Mathematics).M.A.: Catholic University (Philosophy).
Publications or Presentations
No Excuses: Seven Principals of Low-Income Schools Who Set the Standard for High Achievement (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 1999)."A Question of Capacity: How Many Children Will School Choice Help?" Heritage Foundation Policy Review, Jan./Feb. 1999.
"Poor Children Can Learn: Successful Inner-City Schools Share Common Traits," Chicago Tribune, Jun. 17, 1999.
Issue Specialities
Poverty, education reform, vouchers, phonics, whole language, charter schools, privatization, standardized testing, parochial schools, separation of church and state, for-profit schools, educational management organizations (EMOs), and competitive education.Calvert Index
Education/School Choice/Multiculturalism/Society/Family/Community/Religion