Mr. Bruce Bartlett

Posted in: Education/School Choice/Multiculturalism, Employment/Labor Law/Racial Preferences, State & Municipal Services/Privatization, Taxation/Budget/Economic Policy

Senior Fellow , National Center for Policy Analysis
655 15th Street, NW
Metropolitan Square, Suite 375
Washington DC
Work Fax: (703) 421-7785
Home: N/A


Responsible for economic and tax policy issues. Formerly deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at the U.S. Treasury Department (1988 to 1993). Regularly published in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and Fortune.

Academic Background

B.A.: Rutgers University (American History).
M.A.: Georgetown University (American History).

Publications or Presentations

Twice-weekly, nationally syndicated column on economic policy published in the Washington Times and the Detroit News.
"Tobacco Smuggling: A Tax-Driven Problem," Tax Analyst's Tax Notes, Special Report, Vol. 79, No. 11, Jun. 15, 1998.
Reaganomics: Supply-Side Economics in Action (Arlington, Va.: Arlington House, 1981).

Issue Specialities

Supply-side economics, dynamic modeling, tax cuts, tax reform, marriage penalty, capital gains, economic policy, education reform, school choice, vouchers.

Calvert Index

Taxation/Budget/Economic Policy
State & Municipal Services/Privatization
Employment/Labor Law/Racial Preferences
Education/School Choice/Multiculturalism