
One of the key ingredients of a true democracy is information. Information is particularly crucial in a state such as Maryland, identified in 1986 by Yale political science Professor David R. Mayhew as one of only eight truly one-party states remaining in the country (Placing Parties in American Politics, Princeton University Press). Since then, two or three of those other states have gone “two-party,” leaving Maryland untouched. This Calvert directory represents an attempt to enhance the democratic process by placing at your disposal sources of information you might not ordinarily be exposed to.

During my years in the public-policy arena, both in Maryland and Washington, D.C., I have always found directories of policy experts to be most useful. When one just needs that pertinent quote to round out a story; when one just needs briefly to double-check a fact; when one just needs a quick pointer in the right direction – that’s when these directories prove themselves invaluable.

Many in Maryland think so too. Not a week goes by when we at the Calvert Institute do not get a call from a journalist or public official, asking for the “conservative angle” on any range of topics. Sometimes, we can direct them; sometimes, sadly, we cannot – for the simple reason that we cannot think of anyone relevant to the query.

Last year, we decided to remedy the situation by putting together a comprehensive directory of issue experts in the Mid-Atlantic area. SourceBook 2000: A Calvert Directory of Mid-Atlantic Free-Market Experts and Conservative Advocates is just that, a listing of people in the area active in the causes of limited and/or conservative government policy. Some are located in Maryland and are experts in state-related issues. Others are located in Washington and focus on national issues. Either way, all are willing to share their expertise with you.

We do not claim this list to be exhaustive. We have doubtless inadvertently omitted a number of people with good claim to inclusion. There are 118 names listed within. Many others were contacted, but for various reasons were unable to return their data to us by press time. All told, SourceBook 2000 editor Chris Bruce’s multiple hours of work compiling this excellent reference work lead me to believe we combed the area as thoroughly as possible.

Whether you are a journalist, a legislator, an executive-branch agency director or just an interested Maryland resident, you will find this a thoroughly useful work.

– D.P. Munro, President