Calvert Institute Press Hits Archive

G. Liebmann, “The Feds, the States, and the Controlled Substances Act,” Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2015


G. Liebmann, “Time for ‘Bottom Up’ Education Reform,” Baltimore Sun, November 4, 2014

George Liebmann’s C-Span2 Book Week talk on The Last American Diplomat: John D. Negroponte and the Changing Face of American Diplomacy will be re-broadcast at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 1 on C-Span2

The Institute’s Executive Director’s Pratt Library talk on his book The Last American Diplomat was broadcast on C-Span2’s Book Week on Saturday August 9 at 8:45 p.m. and will be re-broadcasted on Sunday August 17 at 2 p.m.

G.Liebmann, “O’Malley Takes On Another Pop Issue,” Baltimore Sun, August 6, 2014

G. Liebmann, “Brief Book-Price Regulation Primer,” Wall Street Journal, June 4, 2014

G.Liebmann, “Intellectual Complacency and Intolerance,” 17 Green Bag 2nd 12 (Winter 2013

G. Liebmann, “Maryland’s Pension System Has Performed Poorly for Decades,”  Baltimore Sun, February 20, 2014

Editorial,”Balancing the Budget With The Pension System,” Maryland Daily Record, January 17,2014

G. Liebmann, “The Problem with Obamacare,” Baltimore Sun, October 22, 2013