Calvert Institute Press Hits Archive

G. Liebmann, “Culture Wars and History,” Consevative Battleline Online, October 10, 2012

G. Liebmann,”Maryland is Number One in Education Centralization, Baltimore Sun, September 24, 2012

“Baltimore’s Cash Crunch,”, Septemberv 19, 2012

R. Kasper, Baltimore Beer: A Satisfying History of Charm City Brewing (History Press, 2012),151.

G. Liebmann, “Federalism and Obamacare,” Conservative Battleline Online, July 25, 2012


D. Devine. “Conservative Law and Order,” Conservative Battleline Online, July 25, 2012.

Editorial, “Prudence and Public Pensions,” Baltimore Sun, July 20,2012

M. Dresser, “State Pension Board Faces Tough Investment Expectation,” Baltimore Sun, July 17, 2012, A2


R. Kinderline, “Pension Criticism Misses the Target,” Baltimore Sun, July 16, 2012.

G. Liebmann, “Maryland’s Mismanaged Pensions,” Baltimore Sun, July 10, 2012


G. Liebmann, “Hughes, Brandeis, Roosevelt, and John Roberts,”  Wall Street Journal, July 7, 2012

G. Liebmann, “Promoting Youth Employment in Maryland,” 2 Maryland Journal 63 (2012)

G. Liebmann, “The Brandeis Brief, Revisited, 15 Green Bag 2nd 238 (Summer 2012)