A Sense of Proportion

A Sense of Proportion by George W. Liebmann The Democratic Party is distinguished by its almost exclusive focus on identity politics. Its Republican adversaries offer opposition to any tax increases and ritualistic nationalism. The contending forces have in common the absence of any sense of proportion. Consider immigration. One faction envisages closed borders, mass deportations, […]

Mencken on Church and State

REMARKS OF GEORGE W. LIEBMANN BEFORE THE MENCKEN SOCIETY, AT THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MENCKEN DAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 MENCKEN ON CHURCH AND STATE I am honored to be asked to deliver this talk, but in some measure your presence here is due to false advertising. I am a lawyer who has written about constitutional […]

America’s Paramount Foreign Policy Goal: Minimizing Refugees

G. Liebmann,   http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/americas-paramount-foreign-policy-goal-minimizing-refugees/   www.theamericanconservative.com,December 1, 2017

Mencken on Church and State

REMARKS OF GEORGE W. LIEBMANN BEFORE THE MENCKEN SOCIETY, AT THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MENCKEN DAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 MENCKEN ON CHURCH AND STATE I am honored to be asked to deliver this talk, but in some measure your presence here is due to false advertising. I am a lawyer who has written about constitutional […]

The State of the Parties

The state of the parties By George W. Liebmann Baltimore Sun Online AUGUST 21, 2015, 10:17 AM Twenty–five years ago, an eminent legal scholar, the late Philip Kurland, suggested that the tone of American politics was  reminiscent of that in inter-war continental Europe. Democrats devote themselves to appeals on lines of race, gender, and nationality. […]

Political Pitfalls and Dreadful Demographics: Israel and Palestine

Political Pitfalls and Dreadful Demographics Achieving a lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians will require, among other things, two moves that should have been made long ago. July 15, 2003 by George W. Liebmann Two important causes of the continuing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians do not receive sufficient attention. The first is […]

Liberals Who Are Not Liberal

Liebmann and Shively,P.A.:Local Government and Education Law Home Hamdan and the Law Federalism and Criminal Law Creating Community in Planned Communities (Conference) Common Law Tradition: A Collective Portrait (On-line Lecture) Review of Victor Klemperer, The Lesser Evil: Diaries 1945-1969 Review of Sarah Binder, Stalemate: The Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock Review of Gabriel Schoenfeld, […]

Fragmented Families

“Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control, Thy Liberty in Law” from M. Pearlstein (ed.), Fragmented Families and Silence of the Faithful (2015) By George W. Liebmann In addressing the problems presented by fragmented families, religious institutions must first strengthen themselves. There was a time when the ministry was considered one of the three great learned professions, […]

Not Liberals,Not Teapartiers, nor the Religious Right

Published on Center of the American Experiment (http://www.americanexperiment.org) Home > Issues > Culture & Religion > Not Liberals, Not Tea Partiers, nor the Religious Right Not Liberals, Not Tea Partiers, nor the Religious Right Culture & Religion Social Policy   By George Liebmann [1]October 11, 2012Fragmented Families and Splintered Classes: A Symposium [2] [3]   […]

Culture Wars and History

SIGN UP CULTURE WARS AND HISTORY by George Liebmann Issue 213– October 10, 2012 The American political system as traditionally understood was described by Charles de Gaulle in the last volume of his memoirs published in 1971: a federation of states, each of which, with its governor, its representatives, its judges, and its officials–all, elected–takes upon itself responsibility […]